Top 3 Most Common Bat Diseases in Virginia

Bats can be dangerous to pets and humans.  One of the main reasons why this is true has to do with the illnesses and infections that bats can pass along.  Bats should be avoided at all costs in order to prevent becoming infected with a harmful disease.  Although bats are known carriers of several transmissible diseases and illnesses, the top three most common bat diseases here in Virginia are what you should be concerned about.

Continue reading to learn more about the Rabies Virus, Histoplasmosis, and bat parasites, as well as what to do if you pose a threat of bat encounters on your property.

Virginia Bat Removal and Control 804-729-9097
A Typical Bat Mite (Cimex Hemipterus)

Rabies Virus

This disease is the most common illness associated with bats, especially in Virginia.  Not all bats carry rabies, but it is very common for them to be carriers of the disease.  This means, no matter what, assume all bats have rabies in the wild.  It is never a good idea to take a chance.  Rabies has to be treated with a series of shots and injections to prevent further harm.  Pets are common victims of bat bites and attacks, and should be given rabies vaccinations at the time of adoption.

Bat Mites

Much less serious than rabies, but still extremely unpleasant, are bat mites, which can carry their own dangerous and infectious diseases themselves. Many people often mistake a case of bat mites for a case of bed bugs. Both infestations produce the same symptoms, itching, rash, small surface bumps. These mites are tiny little parasites that feed on bats.  Treatments include aerosol bombs, insecticide treatments, and professional bat exclusion services. 


This is a lung disease caused by a fungus named Histoplasma Capsulatum. Bats serve as the host of this fungus, which grows on bat droppings. Overtime, the spores become airborne and travel through the home or building’s ventilation systems. Upon inhalation, the spores can cause serious eye, lung, and other respiratory infections. If you suspect that your home or property has a bat infestation, you may have a Histoplasmosis problem as well. Have the entire vicinity inspected by a professional who retains proper equipment and training to accurately identify bat threats. Cryptococcosis is another possible bat disease that is similar to Histoplasmosis, but more often found in bird droppings.

Where to Get Professional Virginia Bat Removal Service You Can Count On

Call Virginia Bat Pros at 804-729-9097 to get rid of bats, or for emergency bat removal in Richmond, VA and all surrounding townships. In fact, our licensed and insured bat control specialists maintain a broad service area to keep up with the continuous demand for reputable bat abatement, and serve all areas of Old Dominion, including Petersburg, Short Pump, Lynchburg, Charlottesville, Norfolk, Chesapeake, Newport News, Virginia Beach, and much more. We are happy to find the right solutions for your nuisance bat problems that fit your budget. We also perform insurance claim work for attic restorations and cleanup needed after bat damages or an infestation. Request a free quote or bat control advice, anytime.

Virginia Bat Removal and Control
Virginia Bat Removal and Control 804-729-9097

Are Bats Dangerous Animals?

Bats are one of nature’s most fascinating mammals.  Not only do bats consume thousands of insects each night, their guano is an effective fertilizer used in multiple industries around the world.  With all of these positive characteristics in tow, what exactly makes a wild bat so dangerous to humans and pets? 

Continue reading to better understand why wild bats are dangerous and should be avoided at all costs by humans and domesticated animals.

Virginia Bat Removal and Control 804-729-9097
Man holding baby flying bat, trying to teach it to fly

Wild Bats Transmit Disease

There are various infectious diseases that bats can contract or carry.  These diseases are all hazardous to human and pet immune systems.  Bats are known to be carriers of the Rabies virus, Histoplasmosis, Leptospirosis, and even Salmonella.  All of these infections can be transferred, transmitted, and passed along to humans and pets; and they are all potentially fatal if left untreated.  

? Rabies

Rabies is a very well-known disease to the public.  This infection is often associated with rabid dogs, raccoons, and rats; however, the truth is, bats are common carriers of the Rabies virus as well. A simple bat bite is all it takes to transfer saliva and bacteria into a person’s blood stream.  Some bats are so tiny, a person or pet cannot even tell they were bitten.  Once signs of illness begin to show, it is imperative to seek medical attention immediately if a person has been bitten or had contact with a wild bat.

Rabies affects the brain and nervous system, eventually causing death if untreated.  Humans are required to get a series of painful shots to eliminate the threat of spreading the virus.  Pets, on the other hand, are difficult to save once they become infected.  The virus is often times unpredictable because its incubation stages can differ drastically.  It can incubate in humans’ weeks and months before showing signs of contagion.

? Histoplasmosis

Histoplasmosis is a disease that affects the upper respiratory system.  It is caused by the fungus Histoplasma Capsulatum, which occurs naturally in warm, moist climates.  It is widely spread by bat guano and other animal droppings.  To become infected, the spores simply have to be inhaled.  Common victims of this illness are homeowners with bat infestation problems, or miners and people that work underground or in cavernous environments.  Treatment is available and death is entirely avoidable; however, if left untreated, it can be quite devastating to whoever becomes infected.

? Leptospirosis

Leptospirosis is another common and potentially fatal infection carried and passed on by wild bats.  IT is a bacterial disease that is spread through bodily fluids, usually urine.  It is contracted the same way as Histoplasmosis, and usually by people in similar vocations, such as miners, meat workers, farmers, and veterinarians.  It is also fatal if left untreated, but it is easily treatable if caught in the early stages.

? Mites and Parasites

Aside from the above-mentioned diseases, bats can spread a wide range of parasites, such as lice, ticks, fleas, and mites. Although not fatal, these outbreaks can be quite uncomfortable, unhygienic, and difficult to eliminate. Parasites like these are very common, and they grow at incredibly fast rates. If such outbreaks are not managed efficiently, it can take a lot of time, money, and construction to resolve. Practically all bat infestations cause some kind of parasitic outbreak, most often, bat mites. See our blog, “Is a Bat Mite the Same Thing as a Bed Bug?” to learn how to distinguish bat mites from similar pests.

Virginia Bat Removal and Control Near You

Call Virginia Bat Pros at 804-729-9097 when you need prompt and professional Virginia bat removal and control you can afford. They serve all of Virginia, including Richmond, Petersburg, Short Pump, Lynchburg, Charlottesville, Norfolk, Chesapeake, Newport News, Virginia Beach, and all of their surrounding areas.

Do Bats Have Lice?

When it comes to finding a bat infestation within your home or building, one of your first concerns, aside from structural damage, is health. Are bats diseased? Do they spread contagious illnesses or parasites? The answers to these questions are very important, mostly because they are true. Fortunately, there are safe and effective remedies for cleaning up after a bat infestation, so long as you choose the right provider for the job.

Continue reading to learn which diseases and health threats bat infestations can pose to humans and pets, as well as, how to resolve one as soon as possible.

Virginia Bat Removal and Control
Virginia Bat Removal and Control 804-729-9097

Bat Diseases

By far, the most stigmatized disease surrounding bats is Rabies. Although bats are known carriers of the deadly virus, it does not mean that all bats are actually infected. If they are infected, bats can spread the virus to both humans and other animals through blood, mucus, or saliva. Because the virus attacks the central nervous system, there is no cure, making it 100% fatal. For this reason, it is vital to keep pets properly vaccinated. If you find a dead, injured, or abandoned bat on your property, see our blog, “What To Do If You Find a Bat” for proper instructions.

Aside from the Rabies virus, bats can spread a wide range of parasites, such as lice, ticks, fleas, and mites. Although not fatal, these outbreaks can be quite uncomfortable, unhygienic, and difficult to eliminate. Parasites like these are very common, and they grow at incredibly fast rates. If such outbreaks are not managed efficiently, it can take a lot of time, money, and construction to resolve. Practically all bat infestations cause some kind of parasitic outbreak, most often, bat mites. See our blog, “Is a Bat Mite the Same Thing as a Bed Bug?” to learn how to distinguish bat mites from similar pests.


Histoplasmosis is a not an illness that is spread by infected bats, but rather, a result of an on-going bat infestation. Histoplasmosis is a serious lung infection that is caused by over-exposure to fungal spores that grow on bat droppings (guano). These Histoplasma capsulatum fungal spores develop on bat guano, and then become airborne. Upon inhalation, pets and people can become infected. Some people may experience more severe complications if it spreads to other parts of the body, known as Disseminated Histoplasmosis. It is especially serious for those with suppressed immune systems, such as babies and elderly folk.

Virginia Bat Removal and Cleanup Services

Call Virginia Bat Pros at 804-729-9097 if you have bats in the attic or other area of your home. Our licensed and insured bat removal and control professionals offer full-service bat extraction and exclusion, as well as, comprehensive cleanup and restoration for bat damages. We serve all of Richmond, Virginia and its surrounding counties. Request a free estimate or advice, today!

Virginia Bat Removal and Control

Is a Bat Mite the Same Thing as a Bed Bug?

When you have a bat infestation in your home, there are a lot of consequences that can result. Not only do bats leave behind a disastrous mess of droppings, debris, and structural damage, they also pose health and safety risks as common carriers of several infectious diseases. Aside from disease and infection, many property owners tend to forget about the pests associated with bat infestations.

You see, bats also spread a wide range of parasites and more, such as fleas, ticks, lice, and most commonly, bat mites. As for the ladder, there is much confusion on what a bat mite is, and whether or not it is simply a bed bug. This is perfectly understandable since the two are virtually identical at first glance.

Continue reading to learn the difference between the two pests, and what you need to do about them.

Virginia Bat Removal and Control 804-729-9097

Bat Mite

Bat Mites vs. Bed Bugs

Although they have several similarities, bat mites are not the same as bed bugs. They look the same, and even produce the same irritating problems, but they are two different pests. It is a common occurrence for homeowners to think they have a bed bug problem, when it’s actually bat bugs. Just like bed bugs, bat bugs will feed on mammalian hosts. However, they do not stick to their host like bed bugs do. Instead, they lie and wait for the right time to feed; and when they are done, they detach.

Bat mites are very similar to bed bugs, which is why they are commonly mistaken for one another. Bed bugs leave little bites that cause an itchy, burning rash. They typically dwell in bed sheets and other warm areas of a home. Bat mites are carried on bats themselves and move about by jumping and leaping from their host. If your children are waking up with little bites in their skin after a night of sleeping, do not rule out bed bugs right away.

What To Do If You Find BED BUGS

If you find bat mites or bed bugs, start by vacuuming the carpet. Then wash all the sheets, clothes, and rugs in the surrounding area. If this does not solve the problem, then bat mites could be the culprit. Have your home inspected by a professional to see if there are any signs of bats living near or on your property.

If there are no bats, perhaps you have an allergy situation on your hands, or you have not yet eradicated the bed bug infestation. In this case, you may need professional pest extermination services. Regardless of which pest you have in your home, you will need immediate pest integration management to resolve the issue before it can become out of control.

Bat Mite Extermination

Keep in mind that, as long as their host remains, bat bugs will also remain, and continue to come back over and over again. No matter how many times your home is fumigated, sprayed, or cleaned, bat mites won’t go away permanently until you get rid of the bats first. Contact a licensed Virginia bat removal and control company for professional bat exclusion. They can also provide bat cleanup and restoration services, including integrated pest management and decontamination.

Treating Bat Bug Bites

Bat mite bites can be treated with simple, over-the-counter remedies, such as skin creams, antihistamines, and lotions. They can also be treated with prescription medications and ointments under the supervision of a family doctor. The type of treatment required depends on the severity of the reaction. If a pet such as a dog or cat shows signs of skin irritations, it is important to take them to their vet clinic for professional examination and treatment.

Virginia Bat Removal and Control

Virginia Bat Removal and Control 804-729-9097

Virginia Bat Removal and Control 804-729-9097

Call Virginia Bat Pros at 804-729-9097 for safe and humane bat removal and control assistance in Old Dominion. We serve all of Virginia with 24 hour bat removal, as well as, numerous residential and commercial bat exclusion services, such as bat cleanup and restorations for bat damages. We even provide insurance work! Contact us at 804-729-9097 to request a free estimate, anytime.

3 Transmissible Bat Diseases That Can Affect People and Pets

Although the actual risk of infection is low, bats, like most mammals, have the ability to carry and transmit several types of bacteria and viruses that can be harmful to both humans and pets. The most common bat diseases include Histoplasmosis, Rabies, and parasitic infestations like mites and lice.

Continue reading to learn some facts about each, and what you can do to protect your home from nuisance bat problems.

Virginia Bat Removal and Control 804-729-9097

Virginia Bat Removal and Control 804-729-9097


Histoplasmosis is a serious lung infection that causes upper respiratory complications. Histoplasmosis is caused by Histoplasma capsulatum fungal spores that grow on animal droppings. The fungal spores become airborne, causing people and pets to contract the illness through inhalation. In mild cases, people infected with Histoplasmosis show no signs or symptoms, while others may show signs of a mild lung infection after 1 or 2 weeks.
Some people may experience more severe complications if it spreads to other parts of the body, known as Disseminated Histoplasmosis. Histoplasmosis is especially dangerous, and potentially fatal, for elderly citizens and those with suppressed immune systems. Most people do not require treatment for Histoplasmosis, however, the young, sick, and elderly will need treatment.


Bats are a common rabies vector in North America. But just because they are potential carriers does not mean they are infected. It is important to note that it is very rare for a bat to be rabid, and even rarer for a person to contract Rabies from a bat. However, pets are a higher risk of contracting rabies since they may stumble upon a rabid lone bat in the yard. If a person or animal does contract the Rabies virus, there is no treatment. Unfortunately, it attacks the nervous system, making it fatal in most cases. It is vital to have your pets vaccinated annually for Rabies and more.

Bat Mites/Lice

Although parasitic outbreaks are not fatal, they are extremely aggravating and difficult to eliminate. Common infestations are bat mites, lice, and fleas. Not only are these highly contagious and transferrable, they can be spread by both humans and pets. Virtually all bat infestations will come with some sort of parasitic infestation, primarily bat mites. Parasites like these are very common, and they grow at incredibly fast rates. If such outbreaks are not managed efficiently, it can take a lot of time, money, and construction to resolve.

How to Get Rid of Bats in Virginia

Virginia Bat Removal and Control 804-729-9097

Virginia Bat Removal and Control 804-729-9097

Call Virginia Bat Pros at 804-729-9097 when you need prompt and professional Virginia bat removal and control you can afford. We use safe and humane methods to deliver effective 24 hour bat control for residential and commercial properties throughout Virginia. Aside from extensive experience and expert knowledge of the bat removal and control industry, we set ourselves apart from our competitors by offering superior client support and maintaining economy-based prices. Request a free estimate or advice, today.