Do Bats Migrate in the Winter?

As the weather gets cold and the days get shorter, bats in North America begin to prepare for winter. Some species of bats will migrate to warmer climates, while others will hibernate through the winter months. Let’s take a look at where some of these amazing creatures go during winter.

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For Richmond VA Bat Removal Services, Call 804-729-9097 Now!

Migrating Bats in the United States

One of the most well-known migratory species of bat is the Mexican free-tailed bat. These bats can be found all over North America, but in the winter, they head south to Mexico and Central America. They roost in caves and other protected areas during their journey.

Another migratory species is the hoary bat. These bats are among the largest in North America and can be found in forested areas from Alaska all the way down to Mexico. In the winter, they head to warmer climates in Central and South America.

Non-Migratory Bats in the U.S.

Not all bats migrate when winter comes. Some species, like the little brown bat, will hibernate through the cold months. Hibernation is a state of dormancy that helps animals conserve energy. Bats will often hibernate in caves or other protected areas where they are safe from the cold and predators.

So where do bats go in the winter? Some migrate to warmer climates, while others hibernate in protected areas. No matter where they spend the winter, these amazing creatures are sure to amaze us with their resilience and adaptability.

How to Deal With a Winter Bat Infestation

While many bat species start to head south for the winter, not all of them make it. Some stay put, while others get lost along the way and end up in places they don’t belong. If you live in a Virginia area where there are local bat populations, you may find yourself dealing with a bat infestation in your home. Bats are attracted to warm, dark places, and your attic is the perfect spot for them to hunker down for the winter.

Dealing with a bat infestation can be tricky. You don’t want to harm the bats, but you also don’t want them living in your home. The best way to deal with a bat infestation is to hire a professional Richmond VA bat removal company. They will be able to safely and humanely remove the bats from your home and seal up any entry points so they can’t get back in.

If you find yourself dealing with a bat infestation this winter, don’t panic. Just give us a call and we’ll take care of it for you. Contact Virginia Bat Pros at 804-729-9097 for safe and humane bat removal and control in Richmond, Virginia and its surrounding counties. We serve both residential and commercial clients.

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Virginia Big-Eared Bat Facts

There are several species of bats found in Virginia. The most common bat in Virginia is the little brown bat. Other species include the big brown bat, the Mexican free-tailed bat, the silver-haired bat, and the beloved state bat, the Virginia Big-eared bat! Although all of these species are important to the ecosystem and play a role in controlling insect populations, let’s take a closer look at our state bat by reviewing some interesting facts about them!

Virginia Big eared bat is our state bat!
Professional Bat Removal Richmond Virginia 804-729-9097

Facts About the Virginia Big-Eared Bat

The Virginia Big-eared bat (Corynorhinus townsendii virginianus) is a medium-sized bat, with adults measuring 4.5-5.7 cm (1.8-2.2 in) in body length and 7-9 cm (2.8-3.5 in) in wingspan. The fur on the back is brown or black, while the belly is paler. As its name suggests, this bat has large, conspicuous ears.

This bat is found in a variety of habitats, including forests, caves, and mines. It is a forest Dependent species, meaning that it requires forested habitat to survive. The Virginia Big-eared bat typically roosts alone or in small groups. It is known to form maternity colonies of up to 100 individuals.

As an insectivore, it primarily feeds on moths, but also mosquitos, gnats, flies, grasshoppers, and more. Like all other microbats, our state bat uses echolocation to locate its prey and navigate with heightened precision in the dark of night.

Fun Facts About All Bats

Bats are nocturnal creatures, so they are most active at night. During the day, they roost in trees, caves, and other dark places. Bats are very good flyers and can travel long distances in search of food.

Most bats eat insects. They use their sharp teeth to bite through the exoskeleton of their prey. Bats have a very good sense of smell and can locate their prey by following the scent of the insects.

Bats are important to the ecosystem because they help control the population of insects. Without bats, there would be more mosquitoes, beetles, and other pests. Bats eat millions of insects every night!

How to Support Local Bat Populations

There are several things you can do to help bats. One way is to provide a roosting site for them. You can do this by putting up a bat house in your yard. Another way to help bats is to avoid using pesticides and insecticides. These chemicals can kill the insects that bats eat.

If you see a bat during the day, it is probably sick or injured. Bats are very susceptible to diseases, so it is important not to handle them. If you find a sick or injured bat, please contact your local wildlife rehabilitator for help.

Are you trying to manage a nuisance bat problem in or around your property? Contact Virginia Bat Pros at 804-729-9097 for licensed and insured bat removal and control you can afford. We serve residential and commercial clients.

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Which Bats are Native to the State of Virginia?
Interesting Facts About the State Bat of Virginia
FAQS About Endangered Bats

Why is the Virginia Big Eared Bat Endangered?

The Virginia Big-Eared bat (Corynorhinus townsendii virginianus) is a subspecies of the Big-Eared bat, which is found in North America. The Virginia big-eared bat is found in only four states in the United States: Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina, and Tennessee. The Virginia big-eared bat is a small bat, with a wingspan of only 8-10 inches. The body of this bat is brown or gray in color, with lighter fur on the underside. The ears of this bat are large and triangle-shaped, and the nose is long and narrow. This bat roosts in tree cavities, buildings, or other sheltered areas during the day. At night, it emerges to hunt for insects. The Virginia big-eared bat uses echolocation to navigate and find its prey.

The Virginia big-eared bat is an important species in its ecosystem. It plays a role in controlling the insect population, and it is also a food source for other animals such as owls and snakes. The biggest threat to the Virginia big-eared bat is habitat loss. This bat requires specific types of habitats in order to survive, and this habitat is being destroyed by development and other human activities. If this trend continues, the Virginia big-eared bat will likely become extinct. This is even more concerning due to the fact that the Virginia Big-Eared bat is listed as endangered by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and protected under the Endangered Species Act.

Continue reading to learn more about the Virginia Big-Eared bat, including why its species is endangered and what we can do to protect local bat populations for the sake of our surrounding Eco-systems.

Virginia Bat Control 804-729-9097
Virginia Bat Control 804-729-9097

The Endangered Virginia Big-Eared Bat

The Virginia Big Eared Bat is an endangered species, and this is a problem for a few reasons. First, these bats are important for the ecosystem because they help control insect populations. Second, as a top predator in the food chain, the Virginia Big Eared Bat provides valuable nutrients to other animals further down the food chain Third, the Virginia Big Eared Bat is a keystone species, meaning that its populations have a large impact on the health of the ecosystem as a whole. Finally, the Virginia Big Eared Bat is an important part of our cultural heritage, and its loss would be a tragedy.

Endangerment Status

There are many reasons why the Virginia Big Eared Bat is endangered. Habitat loss is the biggest threat to these bats, as their natural roosting and foraging areas are being destroyed by development. Additionally, the Virginia Big Eared Bat is threatened by white-nose syndrome, a disease that has decimated bat populations across North America. Climate change is also a major threat to these bats, as it is changing the timing of their migration patterns and making their habitat less hospitable.

The loss of the Virginia Big Eared Bat would have a devastating impact on the ecosystem. These bats play an important role in controlling insect populations, and their loss would likely lead to an increase in insect-borne diseases. Additionally, the Virginia Big Eared Bat is a keystone species, meaning that its loss would have a ripple effect throughout the ecosystem. The Virginia Big Eared Bat is also an important part of our cultural heritage, and its loss would be a tragedy.

The Importance of Bat Conservation Efforts

We must do everything we can to save the Virginia Big Eared Bat. We need to protect their habitat and take steps to mitigate the effects of climate change. We also need to raise awareness about the importance of these bats and the dangers they face. Only by working together can we hope to save this important species.

If you are dealing with nuisance bats around your Virginia home or business, enlist the services of a licensed and insured bat removal and control company for safe and humane handling of these precious critters.

Are you having problems with nuisance bats around your house? Contact Virginia Bat Pros at 804-729-9097 for fast and affordable bat removal services in Richmond, VA and its surrounding areas. We serve residential and commercial clients.

Related Posts:

How Do-It-Yourself Bat Removal Can Lead to a 50 Thousand Dollar Fine
Federally Endangered Species of Bat in Virginia
How to Safely Support Local Bat Colonies

How to Detect a Bat Infestation in Your House

If you notice any signs of bats in the house, be sure to contact a licensed Richmond bat removal and control company as soon as possible. Not sure how to detect bats in the attic or bats in the walls? Continue reading to learn the common signs of a bat infestation.

Get Rid of Bats in House Richmond VA 804-729-9097
Get Rid of Bats in House Richmond VA 804-729-9097

Guide to Locating Bats in the House

There are many problems associated with having bats in the house. Not only do bats carry infectious diseases that can potentially be transmitted to humans and pets, but their droppings also pose several health risks, including a serious upper respiratory disease known as Histoplasmosis.

If you have bats in the house, you will need them extracted from your home, safely and humanely. Once extracted, they will be relocated to a faraway habitat where they can live out their significant lives in peace. As for your home, the job does not stop with bat removal. After bats are extracted, you will need further remediation to eliminate the mess, destruction, and health risks left behind.

If you suspect that you might have a bat infestation on your hands, there are some things you need to know right away. First, bats are not solitary mammals. They live in large colonies; so, where there’s one or two bats, there are likely many more. And since bats are nocturnal, they sleep quietly for most of the day. This means that they can go undetected by homeowners for a long time. The longer bats roost in your house, the more damage they cause, which ends up costing you money, time, and frustration that could have been avoided with proper nuisance wildlife prevention.

Fortunately, most Virginia bat removal companies also provide full-service decontamination and restoration work for bat damages. This includes disinfecting, sanitizing, and fumigating the area to eliminate waste and pests like bat mites and lice. It also includes replacing or renovating damaged areas like attic insulation, drywall, floorboards, siding, roof shingles, and more. Lastly, you will need your trusted Richmond bat removal and control company to implement the proper measures of wildlife proofing and prevention to stop future bat infestations.

Here are the Common Signs of Bats in the House:

Bats flying around your property at dusk and dawn.

Chirping, scratching, or screeching sounds in the walls or ceilings.

Inexplicable stains on walls and ceilings.

Foul odors lingering in the living quarters of the home.

Flutter noises in the attic or walls.

Bat droppings around doors and windowsills.

Greasy spots or stains on siding, doors, walls, or roofs.

Ready to schedule a professional a bat infestation inspection? Contact Virginia Bat Pros at 804-729-9097 for licensed and insured Virginia bat removal and control you can afford. We use safe and humane methods to deliver effective professional bat control for residential and commercial properties throughout Virginia.

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How to Animal Proof Your Home Against Bats
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What is a Microbat?

In a previous blog, we discussed that all bat species are classified as one of two suborders, either Megachiroptera or Microchiroptera. In Virginia, we do not see megabats since they are biologically acclimated to tropical and subtropical climates. When local property owners are dealing with nuisance bat problems around here, it is always a Microchiroptera species to blame.

Continue reading to learn more about Megachiroptera suborder, and the common species native to the surrounding Virginia areas.

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Richmond Bat Trappers 804-729-9097

Yangochiroptera is the New Microchiroptera

Until recently, Microchiroptera was the suborder that included all microbat species. However, after new molecular evidence proved that size is not the most indicative factor in differentiating between megabats and microbats, “Microchiroptera” suborder is considered outdated. Most previously classified “microbats” are now classified as Yangochiroptera, with the exception of a few species. Furthermore, this evidence has also merged a few microbat species into the Yinpterochiroptera suborder, along with fruit bats, flying foxes, and other megabat species.

Special Note: For the sake of avoiding confusion, we will stick with the conversational terms, “microbats” or “Microchiroptera” in this blog.


One of the most significant differences between megabats and microbats is the use of echolocation. Megabats do not use echolocation, while virtually all microbats do. Echolocation, also known as “bio sonar”, is essentially a built-in sonar system that allows bats to navigate their surroundings more precisely, which aids in detecting, darting, and diving for insects.

Echolocation works by emitting ultrasonic sounds that bounce off objects and return as echoes. Bats then compare the outgoing ultrasonic pulses with the incoming echoes to create a detailed image in their brain of their exact surroundings.

Many people wrongly assume that bats are blind and have to use echolocation in order to see, when the truth is, bats see quite well, and simply rely on bio sonar for enhanced hunting and navigating. Sunglasses are a good example. We don’t need them to see when it’s sunny out, but when we wear them, we can see a lot better.

Diet and Habitat

Microbats are insectivores, which is actually good news for us. They are terrific pest control for summer mosquitos, flies, gnats, and more. Some species are even known to consume small fish, amphibians, birds, and even the blood of livestock. Although microbats are vital to our surrounding ecosystem and environment, they can sometimes find their way into our homes and businesses and create quite the mess. When microbats are not roosting (a species-specific posture of hanging upside down by their feet) in attics, crawl spaces, garages, walls, roofs, and more, they generally take shelter in hollowed trees, caves, log piles, and abandoned mines.

Behavior and Reproduction

Most bats are colonial, meaning they live in large colonies. They are not generally solitary mammals, although some species do live alone or with just a few other bats. It is common for colonies to have hundreds, or even thousands, of bats. Studies have shown that they are capable of forming and maintaining long-term relationships, and that many species use food sharing and mutual grooming to strengthen social bonds.

Late summer and early fall are the typical mating seasons for most species. After females finish mating, they store the male’s sperm until the following spring when they emerge from their hibernacula to find a new summer home where they will establish a nesting area to give birth to their young. These are referred to as “maternity” or “nursing” colonies. Bat babies, called “pups”, are usually born in May or June. Gestation periods last between 40 days and 60 days, and females usually give birth to just one or two pups that remain with them until the fall when the cycle of mating and hibernation repeats itself.

Common Virginia Bat Species:

Virginia Big-Eared Bat (Corynorhinus townsendii virginianus)
◈ Indiana Bat (Myotis solidalis)
◈ Gray Bat (Myotis grisescens
◈ Rafinesque’s Big-Eared Bat (Also known as the Southeastern Big-eared Bat)
◈ Big Brown Bat (Eptesicus fuscus)
◈ Little Brown Bat (Myotis lucifugus)
◈ Silvered Haired Bat (Lasionycteris noctivagans)
◈ Hoary Bat (Lasiurus cinereus)
◈ Evening Bat (Nycticeius humeralis)
◈ Eastern Red Bat (Lasiurus borealis)
◈ Northern Long-Eared Bat (Myotis septentrionalis)

Additional Species of Bat in Virginia

Additional species of microbat in Virginia include the Eastern Small-footed Bat, Eastern Pipistrelle Bat, Seminole Bat, American Long-Eared Bat, Lump-Nosed Bat, Ozark Big-Eared Bat, Townsend’s Big-Eared Bat, and the Northern Myotis.

Are you dealing with nuisance bats on your property? Contact Virginia Bat Pros at 804-729-9097 for prompt and professional bat removal and control you can afford. We serve residential and commercial clients.

Related Blogs:

What You Need to Know About the Department of Health and Bats
The Difference Between a Wild Bat and a Nuisance Bat
Common Misunderstandings About Bats

Information About Nuisance Bats in Virginia

Bats are an incredible species of mammal, and we are lucky to have them as a part of our surrounding Eco-system. Their high metabolic needs and diverse diets significantly impact our ecological communities by playing a vital role in pollination, seed dispersion, crop fertilization, insect control, protozoan hosting, ecotourism industries, and more. But like most things in life, where there are advantages, there are also disadvantages. If you are dealing with or concerned about nuisance bats around your property, it is essential to better understand them and their predictable behaviors.

Continue reading to learn important information about nuisance bats and bat control in Virginia.

Bat Control Company Richmond VA 804-729-9097
Bat Control Company Richmond VA 804-729-9097

Common Signs of Nuisance Bats

Bats are common nuisances for home and business owners. They are attracted to dark, warm shelters to raise their young and hibernate through winter, including attics, crawl spaces, garages, sheds, roofs, and walls. They can enter through a crevice as tiny as 3/8th inch, so it is easy for them to get inside a vulnerable structure. You can tell if you have bats in the house or around your property by looking for the signs. This includes hearing strange noises in the walls or attic at night, spotting animal droppings around windows or doors, smelling foul odors from attic or crawl space areas, and more.

Bat Damage Abatement and Repair

Bats can cause a long list of structural damages to a home, and the accumulation of their droppings can create an unsanitary, biohazardous environment. Furthermore, they pose a wide range of health risks since their guano can cause respiratory illnesses, and they may carry diseases and parasites like rabies, lice, mites, and more.

Fortunately, several professional wildlife control companies offer restoration and decontamination services for damages caused by bats. They will remove the bats from the space using safe and non-lethal methods, clean up the mess they made, sanitize the entire area, and restore any structural damages they caused from their stay.

True Facts About Bats and Rabies

Many people wrongly assume that all bats have rabies. The truth is that bats are common carriers of the rabies virus, but that does not mean all bats are carriers, nor does it mean that carriers are infected. If a bat is rabid, you will be able to tell by a blood test, which can only be done correctly by a state’s Department of Health. A rabid bat is not likely to be a threat since they generally seek out isolation to die. In fact, bats that are not sick are not likely to attack either. They are more afraid of us than we are of them. It is very rare for one to bite or attack unless provoked. This is why regular vaccinations are so vital for pets.

Bat Removal and Control

To properly eliminate a bat problem, bats must first be removed, and then specific precautions must be taken to ensure they cannot reenter your home or building. There are many things you can do yourself to reduce the level of wildlife activity around your property, such as removing all food and water sources, including bird baths, squirrel feeders, pet food, gardens, and more. You can also install automatic motion lighting or ultrasonic sound machines, as well as, spread predatory urine or other non-toxic repellents around your yard. Just use water, ground hot pepper, and menthol oil to make a homemade repellent.

Do you think you might have bats in the house or around your home? Contact Virginia Bat Pros at 804-729-9097 for prompt and professional bat removal and control you can afford. We serve residential and commercial clients.

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Common Signs of Bats in the Wall
Can I Get Rid of Bats Myself?
A List of Household Spices to Keep Bats Away

Fascinating Facts About the Greater Mastiff Bat

There are two primary orders of bats in the world: Microchiroptera and Megachiroptera. Megachiroptera bat species are mostly native to tropical regions of the world. They are large in size, have large visual cortexes, and feed on nectar and pollen of fruits and flowers. In fact, they are casually referred to as “Fruit bats” for this reason. Some are even called “Flying Foxes” due to their large heads and bodies.

In contrast to the large fruit bats of the world, Microchiroptera bats, or microbats, are much smaller, and retain a separate set of unique attributes. The most noticeable difference between megabats and microbats is size, but that does not mean there cannot be large microbats too.

Continue reading to learn some interesting facts about the largest Microchiroptera bat species in the United States!

Bat Trappers Richmond VA 804-729-9097
Bat Trappers Richmond VA 804-729-9097

Introducing the Greater Mastiff Bat (Eumops perotis)

The Greater Mastiff Bat goes by many names, scientifically Eumops perotis, but informally, it is also known as the Western Mastiff Bat, the Western Bonneted Bat, and the Greater Bonneted Bat. Greater Mastiff Bats are part of the Free-Tailed bat family, which includes well-known species like the Mexican Free-Tailed Bat, Northern Free-Tailed Bat, and the Spotted Free-Tailed Bat.

What They Look Like

The greater mastiff bat is the largest microbat species native to North America. Perhaps this is why their name reflects one of the larges canine species! Their average body size is between 5 and 8 inches in length. Furthermore, they have an impressive wingspan compared to other species of microbats, averaging between 20 and 22 inches.

As for overall mass, Greater Mastiff bats generally weigh between 2 and 3 ounces; although this sounds tiny, they are still larger than most other Microchiroptera species. Greater mastiff bats are most distinguishable by their large ears, which are so long, they extend out past their nose! Their fur is short and close to their bodies and appears in an array of gray and brown shades on their backs, with lighter shades of fur on their bellies.

Where They Live

Here in Michigan, you will not likely find a Greater Mastiff bat in your attic or flying around your property. That is because their natural range is in the Western parts of the United States, as well as Mexico and South America. They prefer the desert regions, especially along the border of Mexico, and even as far north as the Pacific coast of Alameda County, California.

Because the Greater Mastiff bat species are so large, they require more space and time to drop from their roosts and take flight. For this reason, they are often found roosting high up in rock fissures on the sides of cliffs. In fact, it was discovered that they require at least 20 feet of vertical drop in order to secure enough speed for flight. This means that if they become grounded, they must climb high enough to take a drop and fly away.

More Interesting Facts About the Biggest Microbat in the U.S.

No Time for Rest

Aside from being the largest species of Microbat that is native to North America, there are plenty more interesting facts about the Greater Mastiff bat. For instance, they do not migrate nor hibernate. Instead, they remain active all year long. This could be due to the comfortable seasonal climates the Western regions have to offer.

Threatened and Endangered

Because the Greater Mastiff bat is no longer found in the same numbers as they used to be in previously occupied regions, they are on federal special status. Although federally, they are considered a species of least concern, the Bat Conservation International still lists them as Threatened and Endangered.

Unique Mating

In contrast to other microbat species, males retain a skin glad that enlarges during mating season in the spring. This dermal gland produces a strong odor that researchers believe is meant to attract female bats. Females give birth to one single bat pup a year, and they can live between 10 and 15 years in the wild.

Are you experiencing heighted bat activity around your house or business? If so, you would be wise to establish an effective bat abatement plan to keep them from damaging or threatening your property. Contact Virginia Bat Pros at 804-729-9097 for safe and humane bat removal and control in Richmond, Virginia and its surrounding counties. We serve both residential and commercial clients.

Related Posts:

The Differences Between Megabats and Microbats
Which Bats are Native to the State of Virginia?
The Difference Between a Wild Bat and a Nuisance Bat

Our Most Frequently Asked Questions About Bat Removal

You have questions about bat removal service and Virginia Bat Removal has the answers. Continue below to review some of our most frequently asked bat removal questions we hear from our customers and callers, including how to get started with free bat control advice or schedule an on-site inspection.

Get Rid of Bats Richmond Virginia 804-729-9097
To Get Rid of Bats in Virginia, Call 804-729-9097 Today!

Top Bat Removal Questions We Get the Most

Do I Have Bats?

If you suspect that bats may be in or around your property, there are common signs to look for. Bats make a lot of noise, sounds inside walls like squeaking, shuffling, chattering, or chirping, your suspicions could be right. If you see oily or dirty spots on the outside of your house, this is a common indication that bats are using that spot as an entry point to get inside your home. Bats fur leaves dark marks behind every time they come in and out of your house.

Another common sign of bats in the house is a lingering smell. After some time, the accumulation of bat guano (droppings) and urine will saturate floorboards and drywall, eventually seeping through to the living quarters of the home and generating a lingering odor. Bat droppings are another prime indication of nearby bat activity.

Guano looks similar to rodent droppings. If you have a bat intrusion, you will likely see an accumulation of bat guano around walls and windowsills, as well as roofs and gutters. Wherever the bats are entering and exiting your home, there will probably be a pile up of droppings as concrete evidence.

How Much Does Bat Removal Service Cost?

Richmond bat removal service fees are comparable to getting your HVAC unit serviced or repaired. Depending on the complexity and scope of the job, bat removal costs can range anywhere from $75 up to thousands of dollars or more. Bats leave behind big messes, and if an infestation goes undetected for a long period of time, the damages can require costly and invasive renovations. This situation can increase the total cost for bat removal service.

Does My Insurance Cover Bat Removal Service?

Because the cost for about removal service can add up, many people want to know if their insurance will cover it all. The answer depends on your particular homeowners’ insurance policy. Fortunately, most insurance policies do provide some degree of coverage for damages caused by bats. It is important to understand that your policy might not cover the cost about removal and remediation services fully. It really depends on your particular policy limits and deductible, plus additional factors like how long the infestation existed before discovery and intervention. For those with “stated coverage” policies, bat damages are not usually covered.

Do I Need to Get a Rabies Shot?

After we have removed bats from a client’s home or business, they often ask if they now require rabies shots or vaccines. This is an understandable concern considering the fact that bats are known carriers of the rabies virus, which is fatal once contracted. Postexposure rabies shots are only required for those who have actually been exposed to a bat bite, scratch, or mucous membrane exchange. Specifically, the CDC suggests seeking out Rabies postexposure prophylaxis (PEP) after being potentially scratched or bitten by a bat or have had mucous membranes exposure to a bat. Rabies can be transferred via saliva and similar mucous membranes.

Can I Keep a Bat as a Pet?

It is a common question we get about retrieving a bat in the house or on the property. People want to know if they can keep the bat as a pet, especially if it’s a baby. Baby bats are cute, as most baby animals are! But the reality is that keeping a bat as a pet is inhumane. Unfortunately, it is never recommended to keep a bat as a pet, in fact it could be against state and federal law. Many bat species in Indiana are federally protected by the Endangered Species Act. Regardless of conservation status, no bat should be kept as a pet. Would you like to be held captive in a cave for the rest of your life? Or would you prefer to be free to explore the open air and natural environment around you? That’s how a bat would feel if you kept it as a pet!

Where Do Bats Go After Removal?

After our Richmond Virginia bat removal technicians extract bats from a property, we transfer bats to one of two locations: either a testing center to have the bat tested for rabies, or to a local rehabilitation sanctuary where they can live out the remainder of their lives in their natural habitat, far from residential and metropolitan areas.

How Do I Get a Bat Out of My House?

Never attempt to touch, trap, harm, or kill a bat in the house or on your property. Instead, contact Virginia Bat Pros at 804-729-9097 for prompt and professional bat removal and control services at the right price. We serve all of Virginia, including Roanoke, Midlothian, Fredericksburg, Glen Allen, and more.

Related Posts:

Can I Exterminate Bats in Virginia?
Why You Need a Professional to Get Rid of Bats
How Do-It-Yourself Bat Removal Can Lead to a 50 Thousand Dollar Fine

What Do Bats Do in the Summer?

Bats are one of the most interesting and amazing creatures on the planet. Among a long and fascinating list of facts, bats are the only mammalian species that is capable of true flight! Other species can soar or float on wind current, but bats can actually fly like the wind. Bats are also ecologically important, as they help pollinate and protect some of our most valuable crops, plus boost our local economies.

We simply don’t have the time to go over all the incredible benefits we reap from our local and global bat populations, but we can discuss what bats are up to this summer in Virginia!

Bat Removal Company Richmond Virginia 804-729-9097
Bat Removal Company Richmond Virginia 804-729-9097

Bat Activity and Behavior in the Summer

Family Time

Bats are just like us when it comes to spending the summer months. They focus their attention on their families! Bats use most of their time in the summer to raise their babies, called pups, in the roosts they’ve secured earlier in the season. Bats typically like to roost in natural settings like caverns, caves, cliffsides, and hollowed tree cavities, as well as urban settings like attics, chimneys, and bell towers.

Female bats generally give birth to a single pup, so that baby bat gets mom’s tender, love, and care all to itself! Of course, this also increases the bat’s chance of survival, which is critical to local bat preservation. Because baby bats cannot fly within the first few months of their lives, mother bats must leave them in their roosts during the dusk and evening hours to hunt for food and gather water. Mother bats must stay strong so they can continue to provide nutritious milk for their pups. Remember, bats are mammals!


Summer is the perfect season for insect activity, which is exactly what bats are looking for when they head out of their roosts at dusk to hunt. Bats are insectivores that like to eat insects like mosquitos, moths, gnats, and similar flying bugs. Here in Virginia, bat species have built-in sonar known as echolocation that allows them to dive and dart for prey with acute precision.

Bats eat a lot of insects each night. In fact, one single bat can eat more than its own body weight in insects and a single evening. This is like nature’s pest control, making our backyard barbecues a much more comfortable experience! A bat’s diet also contributes to protecting our local crops, which in turn boosts the economy.

Nuisance Activity

Although bats are an incredible advantage to our world, sometimes they can get a little too close for comfort. Bats can enter into nuisance territory when they decide to roost inside your home or business. As mentioned earlier, bats typically choose dark and private places to roost, such as chimneys, attics, wall voids, and even under porches and along roofing. These places are shady and cool, which keeps them comfortable in the summer climate.

But bat roosts can create a lot of structural damage which can be costly and invasive to repair. Furthermore, bats leave behind. What a mess that can pose several health and safety risks to your loved ones and pets. If you suspect that you have bats in the attic or other area of your property, contact a licensed and insured Virginia bat removal company. They can provide safe and humane bat removal services if they discover bat roosts upon inspection.

Are you looking for a trusted Virginia critter control company to help you solve your nuisance bat problems? Contact Virginia Bat Pros at 804-729-9097 for professional Richmond bat removal and attic restoration services for bat infestations. We serve residential and commercial properties.

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Can Bats See Without Using Echolocation?

Have you ever used the adage, “blind as a bat?” If so, you may be disappointed to learn that you were incorrect. That is because bats are not actually blind. But don’t be ashamed if you always thought this; many people share the same misconception. The truth is that there are more than 1,100 bat species in the world, and not one of those species is blind. What’s even more interesting is that they actually have quite good vision, especially Megachiroptera species (fruit and old-world). This makes sense, as they are night-hunters. So, vision is important for darting and dashing for prey.

Continue reading to learn more interesting facts about bat vision, echolocation, and more.

Virginia Bat Removal Service 804-729-9097
Virginia Bat Removal Service 804-729-9097

Not All Bats Have Echolocating Abilities

There are two main categories of bat species: Megachiroptera and Microchiroptera (also known as megabats and microbats). One of these bat groups have echolocating abilities, while the others do not.

Megachiroptera Bat Species

Megachiroptera are large bats that live in tropical and subtropical climates. They maintain a diet of fruits and nectar, but some species are also known to consume small amphibians and fish. As for vision, Megachiroptera have large eyes and pronounced visual cortex that allow them to see very well. They also have a good sense of smell. Some species, like Flying Foxes, actually see well during the day, and are dependent on their daytime vision to fly around on moonless nights. They can also see in color!

Microchiroptera Bats

Microchiroptera, or microbats, are different from Megabats in many ways; however, their vision is just as good. Despite their poorly developed small eyes, scientists have confirmed that microbats have both rods and cone photoreceptor cells in the retinas, giving them the ability to see in the day, in color, and at night. Furthermore, Microchiroptera (not all species, but most) have a built-in sonar system called echolocation, which emits high-frequency ultrasonic pulses into the air that bounce back and outline the surrounding environment. This is why many people believe these mammals are blind; but echolocation is simply a bonus attribute that allows microbats to hunt faster and better for insects like mosquitos, moths, flies, gnats, and more.

Nuisance Bat Problems

If you are experiencing nuisance bat problems in or around your property, you have safe and affordable options. Never attempt to catch, trap, touch, harm, or kill a bat. Not only are there possible laws against this, which could subject you to some hefty fines and other civil penalties, but bats also carry diseases, some of which are deadly. Always contact a licensed and insured bat removal and control company in Richmond, VA for non-lethal, licensed assistance you can trust.

Are you looking for cheap and humane ways to get rid of a bat on your property? Contact Virginia Bat Pros at 804-729-9097 for fast and secure bat removal services in Virginia, including Richmond, Salem, Leesburg, and all surrounding areas. We serve residential and commercial clients.

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