The Difference Between Bat Mites and Bed Bugs

People all across the Virginia have experienced a bug infestation of some kind. Whether its mosquitos, ants, gnats, or fleas, we have all been there at least once in our lives. Out of all the insects that we encounter in our lifetime, bat mites are one we would commonly overlook. No one ever talks about bat mites, mostly because they are often mistaken for bed bugs

Continue below to learn the similarities and differences between the two insects, as well as, how to permanently get rid of bat mites in your home.

Virginia Bat Removal and Cleanup Service
Virginia Bat Removal and Cleanup Service 804-729-9097

Bed Bugs Versus Bat Mites

⚠ Bats can carry and transmit parasites like lice, ticks, and of course, bat mites.

Most people have heard stories of bed bug infestations, and many have even experienced it for themselves. The usual signs include itching, red bumps and bites, and actual minuscule bugs in your linens and bed sheets. To get rid of them, people have used exterminators, aerosol sprays, and insecticide treatments to kill and remove the “bed bug” problem.  What some find, is that the infestation eventually comes back.

This is most likely because they treatment administered wasn’t strong enough, or the infestation isn’t bed bugs at all, its bat mites. Bat mites behave very similar to bed bugs. They are tiny parasitic insects that cling to a host and can live up to one year if the climate is agreeable. They live sustainably in dark and narrow areas, just like bats, which is why bats are their favorite hosts.

How to Get Rid of Bat Mites

⚠ No matter how many times your house is fumigated, disinfected, and treated, BAT MITES WILL NEVER GO AWAY unless you get rid of the bats, first!

Standard extermination services are not enough for bat mites, and they probably never will be. An exterminator cannot simply spray, kill, and call it a day when it comes to bat mites. As long as their host remains, they remain and will continue to come back over and over again. You have to take more invasive action to get rid of bat mites compared to bed bugs.

Once the bat colonies are cleared from the area and proper preventative maintenance is implemented to ensure there will be no more future bat break-ins, you are on your way to a pest-free living space. This is when you can begin to properly clean and sanitize the area for bat mites. Keep in mind that bats can also carry and transmit fleas, lice, and ticks.

Are you looking for safe and affordable bat cleaning service near you? Contact Virginia Bat Pros at 804-729-9097 for affordable and prompt bat cleaning and restoration services in Virginia, including Richmond, Fredericksburg, Manassas, and all surrounding areas. We serve residential and commercial clients.

You Should Also Read:

How to Get Rid of Bat Mites
3 Transmissible Bat Diseases That Can Affect People and Pets
What You Want to Know About Bats and Rabies

Virginia Bat Removal and Control
Virginia Bat Removal and Control 804-729-9097

Why This is the Time of Year to Get a Rabies Vaccine

Richmond Virginia Bat Removal and Control
Richmond Virginia Bat Removal and Control 804-729-9097

It is rabies season, so now is the right time to get your rabies shots. Be sure your loved ones are vaccinated, including your pets!

Wildlife is most active when weather is warm and mild. This means it is Rabies season. Animals like raccoons, squirrels, chipmunks, opossum, fox, and bats are all common carriers of the Rabies virus. And although there are very few reported cases of human exposure every year (1 to 3 cases reported annually, according to the CDC), it is still important to take as much precaution as possible to ensure you and your loved ones are not affected. Keep in mind that curious outdoor pets like cats and dogs are also common targets for Rabies infection, so you’ll need to consider their safety as well.

Don’t Take the Risk – Get Vaccinated for Rabies

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC):

“The rabies virus is transmitted through saliva or brain/nervous system tissue. You can only get rabies by coming in contact with these specific bodily excretions and tissues.”

It is also 100% treatable so long as medical attention is sought immediately after exposure. Without treatment, rabies is 100% fatal since it causes an acute viral encephalitis. Once symptoms start to become evident, there is no recourse or cure.

Rabies Shots

For humans, the Rabies virus is 100% preventable with the right vaccinations. Because adults in good health are rarely exposed, shots are not necessary unless someone is bitten or exposed. The best course of action adults can take is to adhere to adequate animal vaccination and control standards. Furthermore, children are at a higher risk of contracting Rabies, so be sure they are protected with the proper vaccines if they are ever exposed or likely to be exposed.  

If exposed, a victim would have to start a treatment schedule consisting of one dose of immune globulin and four doses of rabies vaccine, all given over a 14-day period. This regime is known as post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP).

The Rabies vaccine consists of 3 types of cells:

► Human Cells
► Chick Embryo Cells
► Fetal Rhesus Lung Cells

A vaccination program is recommended for those who are at a higher risk of exposure, like veterinarians, animal handlers, laboratory workers, cave spelunkers, and explorers traveling to areas of the world where rabies exposure is likely. These individuals would get a 3-part dose of Rabies immune globulin, starting with an initial vaccine beforehand, a second dose 7 days later, and a final dose 21 to 28 days after the first dose.

Where to Get a Rabies Vaccine

Contact your Primary Care Physician’s (PCP) office for more information on vaccines.

Are you dealing with a population of nuisance bats around your house, which are common carriers of the Rabies virus? Contact Virginia Bat Pros at 804-729-9097 for affordable and prompt bat removal services in Virginia, including Richmond, Williamsburg, Hampton, and all surrounding areas. We serve residential and commercial clients.

You Should Also Read:

Top 3 Signs That Suggest You Have Bats in Your House
Can Bat Poop Make Me Sick?
Top 3 Most Common Bat Diseases in Virginia

Virginia Bat Removal and Control
Virginia Bat Removal and Control 804-729-9097

Top 3 Most Common Bat Diseases in Virginia

Bats can be dangerous to pets and humans.  One of the main reasons why this is true has to do with the illnesses and infections that bats can pass along.  Bats should be avoided at all costs in order to prevent becoming infected with a harmful disease.  Although bats are known carriers of several transmissible diseases and illnesses, the top three most common bat diseases here in Virginia are what you should be concerned about.

Continue reading to learn more about the Rabies Virus, Histoplasmosis, and bat parasites, as well as what to do if you pose a threat of bat encounters on your property.

Virginia Bat Removal and Control 804-729-9097
A Typical Bat Mite (Cimex Hemipterus)

Rabies Virus

This disease is the most common illness associated with bats, especially in Virginia.  Not all bats carry rabies, but it is very common for them to be carriers of the disease.  This means, no matter what, assume all bats have rabies in the wild.  It is never a good idea to take a chance.  Rabies has to be treated with a series of shots and injections to prevent further harm.  Pets are common victims of bat bites and attacks, and should be given rabies vaccinations at the time of adoption.

Bat Mites

Much less serious than rabies, but still extremely unpleasant, are bat mites, which can carry their own dangerous and infectious diseases themselves. Many people often mistake a case of bat mites for a case of bed bugs. Both infestations produce the same symptoms, itching, rash, small surface bumps. These mites are tiny little parasites that feed on bats.  Treatments include aerosol bombs, insecticide treatments, and professional bat exclusion services. 


This is a lung disease caused by a fungus named Histoplasma Capsulatum. Bats serve as the host of this fungus, which grows on bat droppings. Overtime, the spores become airborne and travel through the home or building’s ventilation systems. Upon inhalation, the spores can cause serious eye, lung, and other respiratory infections. If you suspect that your home or property has a bat infestation, you may have a Histoplasmosis problem as well. Have the entire vicinity inspected by a professional who retains proper equipment and training to accurately identify bat threats. Cryptococcosis is another possible bat disease that is similar to Histoplasmosis, but more often found in bird droppings.

Where to Get Professional Virginia Bat Removal Service You Can Count On

Call Virginia Bat Pros at 804-729-9097 to get rid of bats, or for emergency bat removal in Richmond, VA and all surrounding townships. In fact, our licensed and insured bat control specialists maintain a broad service area to keep up with the continuous demand for reputable bat abatement, and serve all areas of Old Dominion, including Petersburg, Short Pump, Lynchburg, Charlottesville, Norfolk, Chesapeake, Newport News, Virginia Beach, and much more. We are happy to find the right solutions for your nuisance bat problems that fit your budget. We also perform insurance claim work for attic restorations and cleanup needed after bat damages or an infestation. Request a free quote or bat control advice, anytime.

Virginia Bat Removal and Control
Virginia Bat Removal and Control 804-729-9097

Can Bat Poop Make Me Sick?

Bat poop, referred to as guano, is the organic waste matter produced by bats. When a person spots an area with bat guano accumulation, they can safely suggest there is a bat colony nearby. Bats typically reside in one area, where they eat and produce waste for as long as they inhabit the space. Many homeowners suffer the consequences of bat infestation, mostly due to the mass accumulation of bat guano and droppings in their home.

Continue below to learn why bat guano is unsafe for humans and pets, and more importantly, how to get rid of bat guano in your home or building.

Virginia Bat Removal and Control 804-729-9097
Virginia Bat Removal and Control 804-729-9097

Facts About Bat Guano and Histoplasmosis

Bat guano and bat droppings can be unsafe for humans, especially children.  In bat guano, a fungus called Histoplasmosis Capsulatum grows and gives off toxic spores that we inhale in the air. These spores can cause infectious lung diseases like Histoplasmosis, Spelunker’s Lung, Cave Disease, Ohio Valley Disease, Reticuloendotheliosis, and Darling’s Disease.

These illnesses have similar symptoms of the common cold or flu. Cough, fever, sneezing, and difficulty breathing are all signs of Histoplasmosis and other lung diseases. These illnesses are not contagious, but can be easily and unknowingly contracted through inhaling spores in the air of an infested home or building.   

Bat Poop Odor and Stain Detection

Many homeowners begin to suspect bat infestation and guano problems with odor and stain detection. A common tell-tale sign of long-term bat intrusion is stained walls and strong odor presence within certain areas of the home. Bat droppings and urine create a very unique smell that experts can detect immediately. It also stains walls a yellowish and sometimes brown-like color.

If a homeowner comes across this situation, it is suggested that they have their home inspected by a professional Virginia bat removal company (not a pest control company) right away. Long-term bat infestation means there is a large accumulation of bat guano in the infested area of the property. If odor is detected, inhalation of Histoplasmosis-causing spores could very well have occurred.

Virginia Bat Removal and Control Services You Can Trust

Call Virginia Bat Pros at 804-729-9097 when you need prompt and professional Virginia bat removal and control you can afford. We use safe and humane methods to deliver effective 24 hour bat control for residential and commercial properties throughout Virginia. We serve all of Virginia, including Richmond, Petersburg, Short Pump, Lynchburg, Charlottesville, Norfolk, Chesapeake, Newport News, Virginia Beach, and all of their surrounding areas. Please request a free estimate or advice, anytime.

Virginia Bat Removal and Control
Virginia Bat Removal and Control 804-729-9097

Are Bats Dangerous Animals?

Bats are one of nature’s most fascinating mammals.  Not only do bats consume thousands of insects each night, their guano is an effective fertilizer used in multiple industries around the world.  With all of these positive characteristics in tow, what exactly makes a wild bat so dangerous to humans and pets? 

Continue reading to better understand why wild bats are dangerous and should be avoided at all costs by humans and domesticated animals.

Virginia Bat Removal and Control 804-729-9097
Man holding baby flying bat, trying to teach it to fly

Wild Bats Transmit Disease

There are various infectious diseases that bats can contract or carry.  These diseases are all hazardous to human and pet immune systems.  Bats are known to be carriers of the Rabies virus, Histoplasmosis, Leptospirosis, and even Salmonella.  All of these infections can be transferred, transmitted, and passed along to humans and pets; and they are all potentially fatal if left untreated.  

? Rabies

Rabies is a very well-known disease to the public.  This infection is often associated with rabid dogs, raccoons, and rats; however, the truth is, bats are common carriers of the Rabies virus as well. A simple bat bite is all it takes to transfer saliva and bacteria into a person’s blood stream.  Some bats are so tiny, a person or pet cannot even tell they were bitten.  Once signs of illness begin to show, it is imperative to seek medical attention immediately if a person has been bitten or had contact with a wild bat.

Rabies affects the brain and nervous system, eventually causing death if untreated.  Humans are required to get a series of painful shots to eliminate the threat of spreading the virus.  Pets, on the other hand, are difficult to save once they become infected.  The virus is often times unpredictable because its incubation stages can differ drastically.  It can incubate in humans’ weeks and months before showing signs of contagion.

? Histoplasmosis

Histoplasmosis is a disease that affects the upper respiratory system.  It is caused by the fungus Histoplasma Capsulatum, which occurs naturally in warm, moist climates.  It is widely spread by bat guano and other animal droppings.  To become infected, the spores simply have to be inhaled.  Common victims of this illness are homeowners with bat infestation problems, or miners and people that work underground or in cavernous environments.  Treatment is available and death is entirely avoidable; however, if left untreated, it can be quite devastating to whoever becomes infected.

? Leptospirosis

Leptospirosis is another common and potentially fatal infection carried and passed on by wild bats.  IT is a bacterial disease that is spread through bodily fluids, usually urine.  It is contracted the same way as Histoplasmosis, and usually by people in similar vocations, such as miners, meat workers, farmers, and veterinarians.  It is also fatal if left untreated, but it is easily treatable if caught in the early stages.

? Mites and Parasites

Aside from the above-mentioned diseases, bats can spread a wide range of parasites, such as lice, ticks, fleas, and mites. Although not fatal, these outbreaks can be quite uncomfortable, unhygienic, and difficult to eliminate. Parasites like these are very common, and they grow at incredibly fast rates. If such outbreaks are not managed efficiently, it can take a lot of time, money, and construction to resolve. Practically all bat infestations cause some kind of parasitic outbreak, most often, bat mites. See our blog, “Is a Bat Mite the Same Thing as a Bed Bug?” to learn how to distinguish bat mites from similar pests.

Virginia Bat Removal and Control Near You

Call Virginia Bat Pros at 804-729-9097 when you need prompt and professional Virginia bat removal and control you can afford. They serve all of Virginia, including Richmond, Petersburg, Short Pump, Lynchburg, Charlottesville, Norfolk, Chesapeake, Newport News, Virginia Beach, and all of their surrounding areas.

Facts About White Nose Syndrome Disease in Bats

White Nose Syndrome (WNS) is a devastating illness that has killed millions of hibernating bats all across the nation. Continue reading to learn more about White Nose Syndrome, and how it affects wild bat populations.

Virginia Bat Removal and Control
Virginia Bat Removal and Control 804-729-9097

White Nose Syndrome (WNS) Facts

White Nose Syndrome happens to be one of the most misunderstood bat diseases. This fatal malady gets its name from the distinguishable white residue that grows on the snouts and wings of infected bats during hibernation. The residue that grows on the noses of bats is actually a fungus caused by the fungal pathogen, Pseudogymnoascus destructans. Back in 2010, new evidence proved that a fungus called Geomyces destructans can also cause WNS in bats.

Discovery and Range

The initial documentation of White Nose Syndrome occurred in 2006 near Albany, New York. The following year, several nearby caves were recorded to have WNS infected bat colonies. From there, the deadly disease continued to spread across the country, as well as Canada. As of October of 2017, the fungal pathogen has been detected in 33 U.S. states and 5 Canadian provinces. Furthermore, the actual disease has been confirmed in 31 of the 33 U.S. states, and in all 5 Canadian provinces.

So far, Canadian White Nose Syndrome has killed more than 7 million bats, and has successfully wiped out entire colonies. Some of the most at-risk bat species include the Indiana bat and the Gray Bat. These species are federally-endangered, and at a higher risk of becoming extinct due to this disease. Common species affected by WNS include the Big Brown bat (ptesicus fuscus), Eastern Small-Footed bat (Myotis leibii), Gray bat (Myotis grisescens), Indiana bat (Myotis sodalis), Little Brown bat (Myotis lucifugus),    Tricolored bat (Perimyotis Subflavus), and the Northern long-eared bat (Myotis septentrionalis).

Searching for a Workable Solution

The extensive rate of mortality is devastating, and unfortunately, there is no cure. Research laboratories and state and federal biologists continue to investigate and study these WNS deaths, in hopes for a solution. In fact, back in March of 2012, the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service announced 8 grants totaling approximately $1.6 million to continue the examination of white-nose syndrome, and to find ways to manage it.

Virginia Bat Removal and Control Services

Call Virginia Bat Pros at 804-729-9097 for humane bat removal and control in Virginia. We serve all of Old Dominion, including Richmond, Petersburg, Short Pump, Lynchburg, Charlottesville, Norfolk, Chesapeake, Newport News, Virginia Beach, and all of their surrounding areas, with 24 hour bat removal, as well as, numerous residential and commercial bat exclusion services, such as bat cleanup and restorations for bat damages. We even provide insurance work! Contact us at 804-729-9097 to request a free estimate, anytime.

Do Bats Have Lice?

When it comes to finding a bat infestation within your home or building, one of your first concerns, aside from structural damage, is health. Are bats diseased? Do they spread contagious illnesses or parasites? The answers to these questions are very important, mostly because they are true. Fortunately, there are safe and effective remedies for cleaning up after a bat infestation, so long as you choose the right provider for the job.

Continue reading to learn which diseases and health threats bat infestations can pose to humans and pets, as well as, how to resolve one as soon as possible.

Virginia Bat Removal and Control
Virginia Bat Removal and Control 804-729-9097

Bat Diseases

By far, the most stigmatized disease surrounding bats is Rabies. Although bats are known carriers of the deadly virus, it does not mean that all bats are actually infected. If they are infected, bats can spread the virus to both humans and other animals through blood, mucus, or saliva. Because the virus attacks the central nervous system, there is no cure, making it 100% fatal. For this reason, it is vital to keep pets properly vaccinated. If you find a dead, injured, or abandoned bat on your property, see our blog, “What To Do If You Find a Bat” for proper instructions.

Aside from the Rabies virus, bats can spread a wide range of parasites, such as lice, ticks, fleas, and mites. Although not fatal, these outbreaks can be quite uncomfortable, unhygienic, and difficult to eliminate. Parasites like these are very common, and they grow at incredibly fast rates. If such outbreaks are not managed efficiently, it can take a lot of time, money, and construction to resolve. Practically all bat infestations cause some kind of parasitic outbreak, most often, bat mites. See our blog, “Is a Bat Mite the Same Thing as a Bed Bug?” to learn how to distinguish bat mites from similar pests.


Histoplasmosis is a not an illness that is spread by infected bats, but rather, a result of an on-going bat infestation. Histoplasmosis is a serious lung infection that is caused by over-exposure to fungal spores that grow on bat droppings (guano). These Histoplasma capsulatum fungal spores develop on bat guano, and then become airborne. Upon inhalation, pets and people can become infected. Some people may experience more severe complications if it spreads to other parts of the body, known as Disseminated Histoplasmosis. It is especially serious for those with suppressed immune systems, such as babies and elderly folk.

Virginia Bat Removal and Cleanup Services

Call Virginia Bat Pros at 804-729-9097 if you have bats in the attic or other area of your home. Our licensed and insured bat removal and control professionals offer full-service bat extraction and exclusion, as well as, comprehensive cleanup and restoration for bat damages. We serve all of Richmond, Virginia and its surrounding counties. Request a free estimate or advice, today!

Virginia Bat Removal and Control

Facts About White-Nose Syndrome and Bats

White-Nose Syndrome (WNS) is a bat killing disease that has already wiped out millions of bats across the world. Learn more about this debilitating bat disease, and what you should do if you are concerned about bat activity around your house.

Virginia Bat Removal and Control 804-729-9097

Virginia Bat Removal and Control 804-729-9097

White-Nose Syndrome is a fatal disease that affects hibernating bat colonies. It is named after its most distinct symptom, which is a white-colored film that develops on the snouts and wings of infected bats. The disease is caused by a psychrophilic (cold-loving) fungus called Pseudogymnoascus destructans, which is formerly known as Geomyces destructans.

It tends to affects bats since the fungus cannot thrive in temperatures above 20 degrees Celsius. Caves in wintertime make for the perfect growth conditions for this type of fungus; and many bat colonies use caves just like these to hibernate for the season. Bats decrease their metabolic rate and drop their body temperature to save energy during hibernation.

The disease causes bats to wake up more often in warmer temperatures. This disruption in hibernacula jeopardizes their energy and fat reserves. It causes them to use up more energy, lose body fat, and eventually starve to death. In later stages of the disease, infected bats in will also become dehydrated, suffer from acidification, and have scarring of the wings, which hinders their flying abilities. It is suggested by researchers that infected bats use twice as much energy as a healthy bat would.

The disease usually spreads direct contact with other infected bats, or by picking up the fungus from contact with contaminated surfaces. White-Nose Syndrome causes very high death rates and population regressions in various species of bat, such as the little brown bat (Myotis lucifugus), federally-protected Indiana bat (Myotis sodalis), and Northern Long-Eared bat (Myotis spetentronalis).

What To Do About Nuisance Bats

Although bats are beloved and significant mammals that provide a wide range of benefits for our surrounding eco-systems, they can sometimes lose their way and become a pest problem for residential and commercial homeowners. If you are concerned that the bat activity around your home or building has continued to increase, it may be time for some professional intervention, just to be sure your property is protected from potential break-ins and infestations. Contact a licensed Virginia bat removal and control specialist for professional inspections, advice, and service. They can provide safe, humane, and effective solutions to your current and future bat problems.

Contact Our Bat Pros Today

Virginia Bat Removal and Control 804-729-9097

Virginia Bat Removal and Control 804-729-9097

Call Virginia Bat Pros at 804-729-9097 when you need prompt and professional Virginia bat removal and control you can afford. We use safe and humane methods to deliver effective 24 hour bat control for residential and commercial properties throughout Virginia. We serve all of Virginia, including Richmond, Petersburg, Short Pump, Lynchburg, Charlottesville, Norfolk, Chesapeake, Newport News, Virginia Beach, and all of their surrounding areas.

Frequently Asked Questions About Bat Removal and Control

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Virginia Bat Removal and Control 804-729-9097

Bats are an incredible species of mammal, and we are lucky to have them as a part of our surrounding eco-system. Their high metabolic needs and diverse diets significantly impact our ecological communities by playing a vital role in pollination, seed dispersion, crop fertilization, insect control, protozoan hosting, ecotourism industries, and more. But where there are advantages, there are also disadvantages.

You see, no matter how wonderful bats are to our environment, they are not the most desirable house guests to have. Nuisance bats are a common problems for both residential and commercial property owners, as they cause a large amount of stress and destruction, and pose a long list of health concerns and safety risks.

For this reason, it is important to treat a nuisance bat problem early on, before you are faced with a bigger one later on. The longer bats roost in a property, the more damage they will cause, which will require more time and labor to resolve. If you suspect that you might have a nuisance bat issue in or around your home, it is helpful to learn the basics surrounding bat removal and control. This may give you some direction and an idea of what to expect if you have bats in the attic or other area of your property.

Continue reading to review some frequently asked questions and answers about bat removal and control to get started.

Virginia Bat Removal and Control 804-729-9097

Virginia Bat Removal and Control 804-729-9097

Do Bats Have Dangerous Diseases?

Bats are known carriers of the Rabies virus, but that does not mean that all bats are infected with rabies. Bats can be carriers, but not be infected. However, they can transmit the virus to another animal via their saliva or blood. The only way to accurately confirm that a bat is infected with rabies is to have their blood tested by a wildlife laboratory professional. Other than rabies, bats can pose several other health risks. Their guano can pose several bio-hazards, but largely, it can produce fungal spores that can cause a respiratory disease called Histoplasmosis, which is transmitted via inhalation. Furthermore, they can carry a wide range of parasites like lice, bat mites, and more.

How Can I Tell if I Have Bats in the House?

There are several distinct indications that bats are active in or around your property. Common signs include peculiar sounds coming from the attic area, walls, ceiling, or roof. In these same areas, you can also look for yellow and brown stains that come from bat urine and droppings. This is another common sign of a large bat infestation. A very telling signs is smelling foul odors from these particular areas. This often indicates an infestation as well.

Seeing piles of bat guano around windows, doors, or other areas of your property is another telling sign that bats are present. You can differentiate bat guano apart from other animal droppings because it looks crumbled and black, and typically contains bits of digested insects. You will commonly find guano in attics, on roofs, and around window seals. Also, if you see bats swarming or flying near your home or roof, you can definitely assume that they are tampering with your home.

Will a Bat Attack Me?

You must understand that bats are more scared of you than you are of them. They are tiny and vulnerable little creatures, and all they want in life is a dark, cozy shelter and a buffet of flying insects. So if you encounter one, whether on your property, in your house, or in nature, it is very unlikely that it will attack you. The only reason a bat might attack a human or pet is if it is rabid, dying, sick, or with it’s young, and it is provoked in some way. This is why dogs seem to get the brunt of all reported bat bites. If you see a bat, do not try to touch, catch, or harm it. If you follow these rules, a bat will likely never attack you.

What Do I Do If There is a Bat in the House?

If you find a bat in your house, do not do anything to provoke it or make it more nervous. Simply acting nervous yourself can startle a scared bat. Here’s what to do instead: First, you need to contact a licensed bat control company for emergency bat removal service. Next, you can try to isolate the bat to one area of the home. So if it is in the bedroom, simply shut the door and leave one all the windows open to encourage the bat to fly outside. Leave the room like this until our bat control specialists arrive.

Where Can I Find Trusted Bat Removal and Control in Virginia?

Virginia Bat Removal and Control 804-729-9097

Virginia Bat Removal and Control 804-729-9097

Call Virginia Bat Pros at 804-729-9097 for safe and humane bat removal and control assistance in Old Dominion. We serve all of Virginia with 24 hour bat removal, as well as, numerous residential and commercial bat exclusion services, such as bat cleanup and restorations for bat damages. We even provide insurance work! Contact us today for a free estimate.

3 Transmissible Bat Diseases That Can Affect People and Pets

Although the actual risk of infection is low, bats, like most mammals, have the ability to carry and transmit several types of bacteria and viruses that can be harmful to both humans and pets. The most common bat diseases include Histoplasmosis, Rabies, and parasitic infestations like mites and lice.

Continue reading to learn some facts about each, and what you can do to protect your home from nuisance bat problems.

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Virginia Bat Removal and Control 804-729-9097


Histoplasmosis is a serious lung infection that causes upper respiratory complications. Histoplasmosis is caused by Histoplasma capsulatum fungal spores that grow on animal droppings. The fungal spores become airborne, causing people and pets to contract the illness through inhalation. In mild cases, people infected with Histoplasmosis show no signs or symptoms, while others may show signs of a mild lung infection after 1 or 2 weeks.
Some people may experience more severe complications if it spreads to other parts of the body, known as Disseminated Histoplasmosis. Histoplasmosis is especially dangerous, and potentially fatal, for elderly citizens and those with suppressed immune systems. Most people do not require treatment for Histoplasmosis, however, the young, sick, and elderly will need treatment.


Bats are a common rabies vector in North America. But just because they are potential carriers does not mean they are infected. It is important to note that it is very rare for a bat to be rabid, and even rarer for a person to contract Rabies from a bat. However, pets are a higher risk of contracting rabies since they may stumble upon a rabid lone bat in the yard. If a person or animal does contract the Rabies virus, there is no treatment. Unfortunately, it attacks the nervous system, making it fatal in most cases. It is vital to have your pets vaccinated annually for Rabies and more.

Bat Mites/Lice

Although parasitic outbreaks are not fatal, they are extremely aggravating and difficult to eliminate. Common infestations are bat mites, lice, and fleas. Not only are these highly contagious and transferrable, they can be spread by both humans and pets. Virtually all bat infestations will come with some sort of parasitic infestation, primarily bat mites. Parasites like these are very common, and they grow at incredibly fast rates. If such outbreaks are not managed efficiently, it can take a lot of time, money, and construction to resolve.

How to Get Rid of Bats in Virginia

Virginia Bat Removal and Control 804-729-9097

Virginia Bat Removal and Control 804-729-9097

Call Virginia Bat Pros at 804-729-9097 when you need prompt and professional Virginia bat removal and control you can afford. We use safe and humane methods to deliver effective 24 hour bat control for residential and commercial properties throughout Virginia. Aside from extensive experience and expert knowledge of the bat removal and control industry, we set ourselves apart from our competitors by offering superior client support and maintaining economy-based prices. Request a free estimate or advice, today.