If you have bats in or around the house, there are some important facts you need to know. These facts will protect you, your occupants, your home, and the bats. Continue reading to learn what you SHOULD NEVER do if you have a nuisance bat problem on your property, as well as, what you SHOULD DO for a safe and humane solution.

Virginia Bat Removal and Control 804-729-9097
❶ NEVER Touch, Handle, or Provoke Bats
Bats are known carriers of several infectious diseases that can affect both people and pets. And although they are not likely to attack or bite unless provoked or ill, you still run the risk of being bitten or scratched by a bat if you attempt to disturb them in any way. They also tend to have lice and mites, which are also transmissible to people and pets. It is important to never touch or provoke a bat under any circumstances.
❷ NEVER Attempt to Trap, Capture, Harm, or Kill Bats
Not only is it unethical, immoral, and inhumane to trap or kill bats, it is illegal under most circumstances. Bats are protected species, and there are laws that prohibit handling, transporting, or domesticating bats without the proper licensing and permits. Never try to harm or kill a bat. Remember, they are not your enemy and you are not their enemy!
❸ NEVER Call the Local Dog Pound to Get Rid of Bats
A dog catcher is not the answer to a nuisance bat problem, so do not waste your time calling them for help. They only deal with stray dogs and cats, and will simply refer you to a local wildlife rescue and rehabilitation company who specializes in bat removal and control services.
❹ NEVER Rely On Local Animal Control Services to Help
For the same reasons a local dog catcher won’t be any help, you should never rely on the county or city animal control department to solve your bat problem. Not only are they under-staffed and overworked, they do not have the proper resources and training to abate and relocate bats. They may tell you they will get around to it, but their case loads are so full, it is not likely to happen any time soon.
❺ NEVER Tamper or Disrupt Their Bat Droppings (Guano)
Bat droppings (guano) can be highly toxic, especially for elderly folk, young children, and those with weakened immune systems. Guano commonly grows a fungus called Histoplasmosis Capsulatum, which emits toxic spores into the air. Upon inhalation and exposure, these spores can cause an infectious lung disease called Histoplasmosis, which is also known as Spelunker’s Lung, Cave Disease, Ohio Valley Disease, Reticuloendotheliosis, and Darling’s Disease.
❻ NEVER Seal Up Their Entry and Exits Points to the House
Bat abatement and proofing methods are very complex. The process requires proper equipment, knowledge, training, permits, and experience. Not only is it unsafe for you and the bats, immediately sealing up bat openings is not the proper procedure for bat removal and control. There are several other steps that come first in order to protect the bats and the house, and to ensure long-term results.
❼ NEVER Settle for Living With a Bat Problem
Not only are bats unsafe to have around your loved ones and pets, they are destructive to your property. Never settle for living with a bat problem, because there is no reason you have to! Contact a licensed Virginia bat removal and control company for expert bat abatement and exclusion services you can trust.
What You SHOULD DO Instead…

Virginia Bat Removal and Control 804-729-9097